Random corner cases so I do not have to do this again:
- A Secret Bag cannot be traded for a Secret Bag. (But I knew that already)
- The person who declares victory needs at least one of the keys or goblets that his association wins with. (I have a feeling our group is just going to ignore this)
- All players who the person names in declaring victory need at least one of the keys or goblets as well. (Ditto)
- The card limit is 8 cards for 3 players, 6 cards for 4 players, 5 cards for more. When somebody has more cards than the limit (not equal), he must give a card to a player whose cards haven't reached the limit. (This is an amendment on the official website because otherwise two players could swap all their cards.)
- If the Diplomat succeeds in forcing a trade, he can still have his normal turn action. If he fails, his turn ends. This trade does activate special abilities of objects.
- The Doctor must be the attacker or defender to use his ability.
- The Priest must not be the attacker or defender to use his ability. (Possible glitch of translation because it says "did not must")
- The Hypnotist has to use his ability after declarations and before special objects.